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23 search results for:叶vEe


William B. Bierce Professional Profile

…ssion Planning and Joint Exits” (Leaders Press, 2020) (available at; see >”Devil’s Dictionary of Global Sourcing: Hidden meanings in procurement, business services, project management and relationship governance,” privately published (2011). • “The Contractor’s Perspective on Privatization,” co-authored with Dan Cosgrove and Steve Else, in Privatizing Governmental Functions, ed. D. Ballati. (Law Journa…


Insightful Moments

…don Riverside, London Stratégie gagnante pour la vente en ligne en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada: cadre légal de la vente en ligne et où localiser son activité digitale ? le 30 octobre 2019, la Maison du Barreau, 2 rue Harlay, Paris 2ème Colloquium on Contractual Networks and Other Forms Of Inter-Firm Cooperation 25-29 March 2019, United Nations, New York Report by William B. Bierce, as Delegate of the International Bar Association (London,…