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23 search results for:叶vEe



…& Kenerson, P.C., membre de la FABA à New York. Me Claire Bernier, admise au Barreau de Paris, associée fondatrice du cabinet ADSTO. “Trumperie ou simple Trump l’oeil : un nouveau cadre juridique pour le commerce et l’investissement aux Etats-Unis ?” Mardi 23 mai 2017, de 18h à 20h, Maison du Barreau, 2 rue de Harlay, Paris Intervenants : William B. Bierce, Avocat au barreau de New York; Benoît Charrière-Bournazel, Avocat aux barreaux de Paris et…


Strategies for Controlling Risks in Artificial Intelligence: Your Business SWOT Analysis

…e when accessing or using customer data. Current privacy regulation will become more complex. Be aware of your value-chain’s risk and compliance matrices. Adopt AI governance policies that fit the needs and expectations of your customers. Manage AI Risks across Your Supply Chain. AI regulations will not always address outsourcing to third-party service providers or the principles of prudent supply chain management. For compliance and risk manageme…