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22 search results for:却ggM


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…ders. Sweat-Equity Businesses. Sweat-equity businesses depend on incentive compensation structures. This webinar will identify and provide a roadmap for using “membership interest options” and “profit interests” in LLCs as incentive compensation. Such approaches are particularly important in today’s current economic climate, where venture capital and bank financing impose significant challenges. Operating Agreement Structure. To frame the structur…


Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. Celebrates 25 Years

…tional business (Chambers Global). While other firms have come and gone, we remain focused on building stakeholder value for clients and dedicated to client satisfaction, personal commitment and responsive personalized attention. For more information, visit our website or call 212-840-0080….