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4 search results for:党dvm



…ansPerfect, Dotsub and Oban Multilingual. Inbound, Outbound: Developing Offshore Tech Partnerships for International Expansion. Learn how to develop strategic offshore alliances to take your tech company overseas. Presented by New York Technology Council, Anchin, New York, New York, February 26, 2014. Speakers: William B. Bierce, Esq., Bierce & Kenerson, P.C.; Michael Muth, Foreign Commercial Service Officer, Department of Commerce; Michael Waxman…



…l challenges, including: new venture and growth strategies beneficial ownership disclosure to US Treasury Dept. stakeholder alignment and governance change and relationship management trade secrets, non-competes, non-disparagement, IP, IT strategic sourcing, alliances, value chains, supply chain transparency multiparty contractual networks, group captives for offshored scarce talent (e.g., accounting firms) AI, digital transformation and service d…