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22 search results for:全A7h


“Emerging Growth Companies” under Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (2012)

…investors to the funding portal or broker. Nor could the EGC compensate or commit to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person to promote its offerings through communication channels provided by a broker or funding portal, without taking such steps under an SEC rule, require to ensure that such person clearly discloses the receipt, past or prospective, of such compensation, upon each instance of such promotional communication. Large Non-Publi…


Awards and Recognitions

…e range of clients, many of which are from the IT sector but some of which come from the banking, insurance, and biotech industries. Individuals: Name partner William Bierce, who is based in New York, has a good name for outsourcing and IT matters. One satisfied client enthuses that he gets to the commercial nub of matters, and is good at giving feedback and thinking around problems. HRO Today selected Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. as a Top Sourcing Con…