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22 search results for:贲RCN


William B. Bierce Professional Profile

…ssion Planning and Joint Exits” (Leaders Press, 2020) (available at; see >”Devil’s Dictionary of Global Sourcing: Hidden meanings in procurement, business services, project management and relationship governance,” privately published (2011). • “The Contractor’s Perspective on Privatization,” co-authored with Dan Cosgrove and Steve Else, in Privatizing Governmental Functions, ed. D. Ballati. (Law Journa…


Insightful Moments

…d Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) and the French-American Chamber of Commerce CoWork (NY) Strategies for Compliance with Evolving IoT Regulation Insurance IoT USA, Miami, Florida, December 1-2, 2015 Comparative Laws & Practices in several countries relating to Innovation, Business Growth and the Practice of Law [L’Innovation dans la Pratique du Droit, Le Droit de l’Innovation aux Etats-Unis, Innover Ailleurs, Enfer ou Paradis ?] Congrès de r…