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4 search results for:梅aLG



…onsider specific operational and governance paradigms, operating agreement structure, and legal structures for collaboration in strategic relationships. Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances A webinar, Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 11 A.M. – 12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time U.S. Speaker: William B. Bierce, Esq., Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. This webinar will provide an overview of key design and performance indicators for strategic alliances, with a focus on is…



…ess value chain, investment, finance and technologies enable us to help in structuring and restructuring legal relationships. Such insights can also help resolve disputes amicably, whether we act as outside counsel, special advisor, litigation settlement negotiator or mediator. Click here for a full overview of our areas of practice. Business Exit Strategies: Plan, Be Ready At every stage in a company’s life cycle, owners should be prepared for an…