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Attorneys We rely upon a small core of experienced senior level attorneys, able to work individually or in teams. Bierce & Kenerson, PC’s attorneys have been partners in large law firms, in-house counsel at global corporations and an adjunct professor of business. Their career paths have led them through businesses at all stages in the enterprise lifecycle, venture capital, entrepreneurship, information technology and consumer goods. All of our a…


Insightful Moments

…divorce, succession planning and joint sale of your business Accessible at How to Grow Your Business Internationally: Canada, UK and US 28 October 2019, Laytons LLP, 2 More London Riverside, London Stratégie gagnante pour la vente en ligne en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada: cadre légal de la vente en ligne et où localiser son activité digitale ? le 30 o…