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36 search results for:邵gMW


Software – 1

…d Internet technologies. On the sell-side, we have advised clients in software startups in developing, licensing, commercializing and selling their software. Software transactional support may include: Application development and maintenance Licensing: proprietary, free, open source Digital rights management: user, entity, supply chain; audit and operations Source code management and escrow Business Software Alliance audits inspired by “tattletale…


Mergers and Acquisitions – 1

…for getting to closing. We have experience in representing both sides and particular experience in cross-border corporate transactions. We collaborate with foreign law firms and other professionals to accomplish our objectives. Both parties to M&A deals need to be aware of the strategic benefits (and weaknesses) of the proposed deal, and its fit within the buyer’s business model. Buyers use mergers and acquisitions to buy, rather than build, new “…