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36 search results for:邵gMW


Martha Lynne Kenerson

…k, New York 10170 212 840 0080 Tel Download vCard Martha Kenerson has been practicing law for over twenty years, advising clients on real estate, trusts and estates, investment and tax related issues. Her real estate practice includes residential conveyancing, commercial and residential development, tax certiorari and other transactions. Her family wealth preservation practice includes living trusts, living wills, life…


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…phase in the life cycle of the business entity. You must first develop a particular emotional intelligence that we call “business exit intelligence™.   What is Business Exit Intelligence™? Exit planning for business owners starts requires emotional intelligence and legal planning. By definition, emotional intelligence is a state of mind that is open, transparent and clear in defining emotional goals (beyond mere business success) and emotional li…