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36 search results for:邵gMW


Contract Law

…rcial contracts and agreements during the life cycle of a business, from start-up, emerging and established companies. This practice is cross-functional with our legal support in the areas of corporate and intellectual property and technology law. As lawyers, we work closely with clients to understand and legally define their business objectives, compliance mandates, organizational design, operational challenges, business continuity plans and pote…


Corporate Law – 1

…ting U.S. subsidiaries by new entity formation, acquisition or merger. In particular, we have many clients in the United Kingdom and, as a French-speaking law firm, in France. We also advise foreign clients on U.S. laws as it relates to their disputes with American companies and counsel them on settlement strategies. Governance rules are custom made and provide the “owner’s manual” for how a business is run, mandating compliance actions among the…