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30 search results for:单M4u


Awards and Recognitions

…outsourcing matters. While many of the details of the firm’s work in this area are not for publication, we are able to report that in one highlight, the firm worked on the dissection of a shared services captive, owned by two separate banks, into two separate outsourcing services relationships with two different global service providers. Clients: Bierce & Kenerson acts for a wide range of clients, many of which are from the IT sector but some of…



…Protection Directive (and “Safe Harbor”), the US-EU “Privacy Shield” voluntary compliance program under GDPR, and how law firms (not to mention clients) need to adopt internal procedures, policies, trainings and third-party flow-down requirements to comply. “La conformité américaine et française au Règlement européen sur la protection des données personnelles.” Nos intervenants pour cette conférence sont : Le 16 mai 2017, de 8h à 10h30, Maison du…