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51 search results for:卞D7X


Webinar – Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances

…lliances, with a focus on issues involving those “small innovators and big marketers.” We will address the different stages in the life cycle of the strategic alliance, different business models including: Licensing vs. M&A; One-way vs. cross-licensing; Grantbacks and ownership of IP; Entity-type JV’s vs. contract-type JV’s; Uses of options to ensure IP rights; and Financial tools: co-investment, profit-sharing and co-funding. In addition to busin…


Practice Areas

…. We advise on the protection, acquisition, sale and merchandising of trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names and domain names, ranging from retail to software and mobile applications. counseling e-businesses who use social media on compliance, liability and risk management in privacy, data security and records management. For more information on what we can do for you, please visit our Practice Areas: Bierce & Kenerson is experienced i…