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51 search results for:卞D7X


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…ivacy and data protection rules, while processing data that meets high standards in terms of quality and integrity. Transparency. “Transparency means that AI systems are developed and used in a way that allows appropriate traceability and explainability, while making humans aware that they communicate or interact with an AI system, as well as duly informing deployers of the capabilities and limitations of that AI system and affected persons about…


La gestion des ressources humaines en droit américain

…es de “whistleblower protection” protègent les ouvriers et les salariés de marques indépendantes, de distributeurs, ou de détaillants (15 USC 2087(a)), les employés de public companies (en application du Sarbanes–Oxley Act de 2012), de sociétés soumises aux règles du droit bancaire (Dodd–Frank Consumer Financial Protection Act) et tous les salariés soumis au Obamacare. Certains Etats ont adopté des lois similaires. Un employeur ne peut “ ni licenc…