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44 search results for:鲍Ijh


Corporate Law – 1

…gotiate employment agreements, stock options, stock for services, deferred compensation, incentive compensation, phantom stock and stock appreciation rights, severance agreements and redemption agreements. We work with immigration counsel on business visas. We advocate and assist clients in resolving conflicts and minimizing operational disruptions through alternative dispute resolution procedures to avoid litigation. We advise clients on settleme…


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…sfer of each value to each other child. Family succession can be even more complex where unrelated minority investors will not be selling. In such cases, the child successor might increase his or her personal control and wealth by becoming owner of a supplier of new services to the founder’s enterprise, where the founder’s enterprise was not previously engaging in such new services. The child successor thus might escape a claim of conflict of inte…