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Press Release, March 13, 2009

…website on outsourcing law,™ To learn more, visit About IAOP The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals™ (IAOP™) is the global, standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession. With 40,000 customer, advisor and provider members worldwide, IAOP helps companies increase their outsourcing success rate, improve their outsourcing ROI, and expand the opportunities…


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…individual’s fundamental rights, employment, and protection of workers and product safety. The EU AI Act does not cover AI systems used solely for military, defense, national security or scientific research and development. The EU AI Act adopts several core principles: AI Literacy. As a tool for informed consent, “AI literacy should equip providers, deployers and affected persons with the necessary notions to make informed decisions regarding AI s…