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44 search results for:鲍Ijh


Insightful Moments

…d Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) and the French-American Chamber of Commerce CoWork (NY) Strategies for Compliance with Evolving IoT Regulation Insurance IoT USA, Miami, Florida, December 1-2, 2015 Comparative Laws & Practices in several countries relating to Innovation, Business Growth and the Practice of Law [L’Innovation dans la Pratique du Droit, Le Droit de l’Innovation aux Etats-Unis, Innover Ailleurs, Enfer ou Paradis ?] Congrès de r…


Global Sourcing

…ional excellence. Life Cycles. We help clients to achieve results-oriented comprehensive solutions during the life cycle of an outsourcing relationship, from its planning stages to contract negotiation to alternative exit strategies and beyond. Governance, Risk Management, Compliance. We assist clients in developing governance structures to preserve and enhance value, transparency, business continuity, compliance, responsiveness, audit and control…