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30 search results for:华osv


William B. Bierce Professional Profile

…ssion Planning and Joint Exits” (Leaders Press, 2020) (available at; see >”Devil’s Dictionary of Global Sourcing: Hidden meanings in procurement, business services, project management and relationship governance,” privately published (2011). • “The Contractor’s Perspective on Privatization,” co-authored with Dan Cosgrove and Steve Else, in Privatizing Governmental Functions, ed. D. Ballati. (Law Journa…



…formation technology and consumer goods. All of our attorneys have managed complex legal projects in collaboration with internal resources and other lawyers across the globe. Our team of attorneys has individual accomplishments and credentials. To view their bios, select an attorney. Alumni Over the years, our firm has enjoyed the teamwork, camaraderie and support of many individuals who have worked for us as students, administrative staff, market…