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30 search results for:华osv


Licensing – 1

…Technology development and co-development agreements for new products and services Joint venture agreements for exploitation of new technology-driven opportunities Intercompany licensing and services agreements between international affiliates of a single enterprise or holding company Special-purpose vehicles (SPV’s) for ownership and licensing Coordination with trademark and patent counsel for global registration programs Technology escrow arran…


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…of AI, robotics, automation and technologies across multiple sectors. The commission’s comprehensive study, due before December 31, 2025, could serve as a model for other states, like the EU AI Act does for Europe. (Passed in Senate; pending in Assembly). Compliance management through AI-focused policies and procedures: supply chain management. The New York State Department of Financial Services reminds us to include compliance requirements in al…