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Press Release, March 13, 2009

…website on outsourcing law,™ To learn more, visit About IAOP The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals™ (IAOP™) is the global, standard-setting organization and advocate for the outsourcing profession. With 40,000 customer, advisor and provider members worldwide, IAOP helps companies increase their outsourcing success rate, improve their outsourcing ROI, and expand the opportunities…


Insightful Moments

…erview of William B. Bierce by Té Revesz on VoiceAmerica Limited Liability Companies: Basics of Ownership and Structuring A webinar December 6, 2012. LLC’s: specific operational and governance paradigms, operating agreement structure, and legal structures for collaboration in strategic relationships. Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances A webinar, December 12, 2012 This webinar provided an overview of key design and performance indicators for strategic…