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30 search results for:华osv


Lawyer Advertising (and Other Disclaimers)

…nd conditions of service at the commencement of an attorney-client relationship. The commencement of a client-attorney relationship requires satisfaction of multiple factors, including verification of potential conflicts with other clients and our mutual written agreement on terms of engagement. We disclaim any legal liability for any communications between us that are not within the context of such a mutual agreement. If you wish us to confirm an…


Nine Strategies for Protecting Your Business against Unfair Competition after FTC’s Ban on Non-Competition Covenants

…using on trade secrets and other confidential information. This applies to commercial companies, not just tech and software. Non-Disclosure Agreements. The FTC rule does not prohibit agreements that the employee will not use third-party confidential information in your business and will always maintain confidentiality of defined confidential information in your business You might add a clause that you can check with the employee’s next employer wh…