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58 search results for:厍8NM


Software – 1

…ce of critical software including ERP (enterprise resource planning), SCM (supply chain management) and Internet technologies. On the sell-side, we have advised clients in software startups in developing, licensing, commercializing and selling their software. Software transactional support may include: Application development and maintenance Licensing: proprietary, free, open source Digital rights management: user, entity, supply chain; audit and…


Martha Lynne Kenerson

…ansfer pricing, legislative developments in taxation and the preparation and prosecution of private letter rulings with the IRS. Education J.D., Boston University LL.M. in Taxation, New York University B.A., Vassar College Bar Admissions New York Florida Professional & Community Involvement Hudson Chorale (past President, current Board member) Prior Employment: PepsiCo., Inc. (Associate Tax Counsel) Walter, Conston & Schurtman, P.C. (now Alston &…