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58 search results for:厍8NM


Awards and Recognitions

…and professional achievement. Their selection methodology can be found at This advertisement has not been approved by any court or bar association. Acquisition International Magazine recognized Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. with a 2013 International Advisory Start-up Award as US Law Firm of the Year, in the practice area of supporting start-ups. Corporate INTL Magazine awarded Bierce & Kenerson,…


Lawyer Advertising (and Other Disclaimers)

…al information should be shared except by consent of one of our attorneys. Commencement of Attorney-Client Relationship. New York courts have adopted a rule requiring lawyers to provide terms and conditions of service at the commencement of an attorney-client relationship. The commencement of a client-attorney relationship requires satisfaction of multiple factors, including verification of potential conflicts with other clients and our mutual wri…