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32 search results for:劳Ddf


Webinar on Sourcing of Global Talent

…e with the implementation of such a workforce using internal and external resources. In this webinar, some of the questions that will be discussed are: • How do I put together an effective contingent workforce strategy to optimize my investment in contingent labor? • How do I ensure that my business customers are engaged in the case for change and buy-in to common technology, process, policy and governance? • How do I govern multiple providers and…


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…hat make them well-suited to service industries, including IT-enabled businesses, particularly “sweat-equity” type services and Internet-based businesses that do not require heavy initial investment. They are disfavored by venture capital and private equity investors due to legal and tax considerations. However, without private equity, LLCs can serve as platforms for rapid growth in business without substantial investment capital. Thus, LLC’s offe…