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30 search results for:郦dlt


About Us

…cquiring American subsidiaries and advise on corporate governance. For services that we do not provide, we collaborate with a network of independent professionals. Our clients range from Fortune 100 companies to mid-market enterprises, emerging companies and individual entrepreneurs. Our Value Proposition Client satisfaction, personal commitment and responsive personalized attention are our highest priorities. Clients hire Bierce & Kenerson, P.C….


Webinar on Sourcing of Global Talent

…e with the implementation of such a workforce using internal and external resources. In this webinar, some of the questions that will be discussed are: • How do I put together an effective contingent workforce strategy to optimize my investment in contingent labor? • How do I ensure that my business customers are engaged in the case for change and buy-in to common technology, process, policy and governance? • How do I govern multiple providers and…