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30 search results for:郦dlt


Licensing – 1

…sputes. We also collaborate with foreign trademark agents. Some of the services we offer are: Policies and procedures for identifying, preserving and converting intellectual capital into it into copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, know-how and show-how. Technology development and co-development agreements for new products and services Joint venture agreements for exploitation of new technology-driven opportunities Intercom


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…lifornia, an agreement for the performance of personal or professional services that expressly allows for the use of a digital replica of an individual’s voice or likeness is unenforceable if it does not include a reasonably specific description of the intended uses of the replica and the individual is not represented by legal counsel or by a labor union. False Images and Sounds. California now prohibits a person from producing, distributing, or m…