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38 search results for:蔚pU8


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…stakeholder can hold the majority owner(s) hostage. Mr. Bierce’s book addresses blackmail and similar risks.   How to Avoid Corporate Divorce for a Family-Owned Business through a Family Succession Plan. Aging founders can transmit their ongoing business to a family member who has developed the skills and demonstrated the commitment to growth and entity viability. Identifying and training a key child (or other family member) requires a vision and…


Technology – Main page

…nological advances have disrupted the global economy with developers, businesses and entrepreneurs alike seeking a competitive edge. As commercial lawyers, we understand that intellectual property can be a business’ biggest asset. Every company needs legal assistance with intellectual property management, licensing, research and development agreements, channel marketing and product distribution agreements, ERP, contracts for business services and…