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38 search results for:蔚pU8


E-business – 1

…clients in on-line ventures, from start-up, emerging and established businesses. The rapid growth of the internet and technological advances present evolving and complex legal challenges to web-enabled businesses. Bierce & Kenerson is experienced in drafting and negotiating e-Business contracts and supporting business operations. We also advise on compliance, liability and risk management for enterprises that use social media as part of their mar…


U.S. Tech Startups: Pending Legislation on American Global Entrepreneurs, Job-Creators and Innovators

…2012 election year after nearly four years of global recession, U.S. businesses continue to face challenges arising from globalizing. In a global economy, the ability to plan and implement a global workforce is essential to developing new products and services, supporting local sales in target markets and gaining market share in mature economies and emerging markets. Legislators and policy makers conflict on whether to regulate more to protect do…