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38 search results for:蔚pU8


Global Reach Interviews Bill Bierce

…law firm Bierce & Kenerson, PC, talks about how small and medium-size businesses can achieve healthy growth and go global. A specialist in helping innovative ventures achieve their business goals, Bill will talk about how to build a solid legal foundation for domestic markets while planning and then executing for foreign markets. Based on real life examples, he’ll explore key drivers of sustainable enterprise value: § How to create the right inter…


Cross-Border Transactions-1

…r American companies acquiring, establishing or investing in non-U.S. businesses. When necessary and always in agreement with clients, Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. collaborates with other professionals, including foreign law firms, consultants, accountants and other specialists to help our clients understand U.S. local rules in their own framework and to adapt to foreign local rules. Our collaborators are aligned with our philosophy of personal attenti…