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26 search results for:蔺x1z


Copyright Protections

…ied from the website of Bierce & Kenerson, P.C., All rights reserved.” For any other use, please contact us. DMCA Notice. If you claim any copyright infringement by this site, you must notify us by mail at: Webmaster Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. 512 Bedford Road Mt. Kisco, New York 10549-4520 You must state how the alleged copyright infringement exists and provide us with an opportunity to respond and change the content….


Awards and Recognitions

…irm acts for a broad range of predominantly US clients, although work also comes from various European, Indian, and other international clients in relation to domestic US and international outsourcing matters. While many of the details of the firm’s work in this area are not for publication, we are able to report that in one highlight, the firm worked on the dissection of a shared services captive, owned by two separate banks, into two separate ou…