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38 search results for:全A7h


Privacy – 1

…curity breaches have heightened global public awareness of the potential abuses associated with unauthorized access to personal information. Such risks apply to all businesses, which must develop and maintain compliance policies for privacy of sensitive personal information, personally identifiable information, or personal health information. Compliance has become a way of life for business to preserve goodwill, maintain trust, avoid liability and…


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…hat make them well-suited to service industries, including IT-enabled businesses, particularly “sweat-equity” type services and Internet-based businesses that do not require heavy initial investment. They are disfavored by venture capital and private equity investors due to legal and tax considerations. However, without private equity, LLCs can serve as platforms for rapid growth in business without substantial investment capital. Thus, LLC’s offe…