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38 search results for:全A7h


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…potential liabilities under emerging legal regulation, every business that uses or provides Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools must invest in policies, procedures, education and compliance with a myriad of different rules across the United States and in Europe. Pending a definitive U.S. federal law unifying disparate state procedures and emerging federal agency rules, U.S. compliance will be increasingly redundant, confusing, demanding and costly….


Insightful Moments

…llenges and opportunities of forming strategic alliances with foreign businesses and foreign tech companies. Secrets of Global Branding: Developing and cultivating your global footprint across various global business models and brand management models February 13, 2014, Internet interview of William B. Bierce by Té Revesz on VoiceAmerica Internet radio Comment approcher les e-marchés américains Une Web-Conférence le 17 octobre 2013, Paris, France…