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44 search results for:昝y9E


Software – 1

…ritical software including ERP (enterprise resource planning), SCM (supply chain management) and Internet technologies. On the sell-side, we have advised clients in software startups in developing, licensing, commercializing and selling their software. Software transactional support may include: Application development and maintenance Licensing: proprietary, free, open source Digital rights management: user, entity, supply chain; audit and operati…


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…ructures for Collaboration in Strategic Relationships: Contracting (Supply Chain and Outsourcing) vs. Entity (LLC) . To frame the strategic relationship issues, the webinar will also present a comparative analysis that draws on experience from building strategic alliances in the supply chain. Today, “collaboration” and “social networks” are transforming business models and redefining the “extended enterprise” to include employees, non-employees an…