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44 search results for:昝y9E


Privacy – 1

…en’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Unfair competition laws arising from comparative advertising and abuse of a dominant market position Generally applicable commercial laws, including rules governing various frauds (consumer fraud, securities fraud, commercial fraud, etc.) and other torts. Domain name dispute procedures under ICANN European Union’s directives on data protection and remote selling and local laws implementing such directives…


Martha Lynne Kenerson

…an in-house lawyer for PepsiCo, she advised on tax issues in mergers, intercompany transfer pricing, legislative developments in taxation and the preparation and prosecution of private letter rulings with the IRS. Education J.D., Boston University LL.M. in Taxation, New York University B.A., Vassar College Bar Admissions New York Florida Professional & Community Involvement Hudson Chorale (past President, current Board member) Prior Employment: Pe…