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44 search results for:昝y9E


Beverly L. Deickler

…e law for over 25 years, handling transactions of all sizes and degrees of complexity. She has represented landlords and tenants in commercial, manufacturing, retail and residential properties, major retail chains, condominiums and private and institutional real estate investors and managers. She has advised on real estate transactions ranging from acquisitions and sales of properties all over the country, to bulk sales and financings of multi-pro…


Webinar – Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances

…business models, including: technology development, product development and go-to-market teaming. Who Should Attend: Entrepreneurs Strategic Planners Attorneys Venture Capitalists Cloud computing ventures Mobile and social computing CEO’s and COO’s Software solutions businesses This webinar is free of cost. To register, click here. All inquiries relating to webinars should be directed to Laura Sanfiorenzo at