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44 search results for:昝y9E


Press Release, March 13, 2009

…include strategic sourcing, joint ventures and strategic alliances, supply chain management, outsourcing, shared services, e-commerce and software, licensing, venture formation, mergers and acquisitions and human capital management. Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. provides a team of senior lawyers who offer their extensive experience at a modest cost structure. The firm services clients across industries that operate or manage business functions ranging f…


Insightful Moments

…en business law practice: Outsourcing: business process management, supply chain management, step-in rights; Contract relationship management: tools and techniques Captives: Offshore captive entities for global business services (GBS) and Centers of Excellence (COE’s) Enterprise life cycle: startup, protection of intellectual property, scale-up, growth, strategic alliances, licensing, internal restructuring, exit (joint sale I M&A, buy-sell or spl…