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38 search results for:欧CKS


Mergers and Acquisitions – 1

…ostly or risky. Founders or owners might exit for personal reasons and because they see no meaningful succession. Private equity investors could grow impatient with delays where the exit has not occurred after seven years. The business segment no longer is aligned with the interests of stockholders or management. The business requires more capital investment, management attention and risk than is justified by the limited upside opportunities. We p…


Webinar – LLCs: Basics of Ownership and Structuring

…owth in business without substantial investment capital. Thus, LLC’s offer comparative advantages for service-oriented and Web-based businesses, such as (for example): global business services; importers selling goods through a service-based sales operation; foreign companies expanding into the U.S.; and American marketing, service and customer-relationship teams seeking to joint venture with foreign service delivery providers for a global service…