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38 search results for:欧CKS


Insightful Moments

…ng Meeting) Panel Chair, Moderator and Speaker: William B. Bierce Speakers from Brazil, Indonesia, France, New York, NY, Canada Topic: how the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), effective May 2018, varies from the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive (and “Safe Harbor”), the US-EU “Privacy Shield” voluntary compliance program under GDPR, and how law firms (not to mention clients) need to adopt internal procedures, policies, trainings and thir…


“Emerging Growth Companies” under Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (2012)

…played or referenced” on a website. While “funding portals” are prohibited from compensating “employees, agents or other persons [presumably finders] on a success-fee basis. However, the owners could be earn profits based on success fees earned by the “funding portal” from listing information about Section 4(6)-exempt securities, including those of Emerging Growth Companies. Such “funding portals” could evolve into the equivalent of unregulated ex…