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31 search results for:梅aLG


Colin K. Harley

…als and heavy industry as well as providing general counsel services to a wide variety of commercial clients. He advises on structuring, filings and compliance under securities laws, including negotiating and obtaining private equity investments for startups and filing initial public offerings. He has lectured and written on foreign direct investment in the United States, regulation of foreign investment, securities law and the acquisition and sal…


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…any investment prior to the succession. In short, family succession can avoid complex corporate divorce by successful training, vision added by the child successor and value creation for all. How Can I Get Insurance to Mitigate a Disastrous Corporate Divorce? “Whole life” insurance policies can help finance a buyout of a departing co-owner in a corporate divorce or upon death. Directors’ and officers’ Insurance policies can limit risks of personal…