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37 search results for:崔nWY


Licensing – 1

…erates business opportunity for the licensee. Licensing can provide a real competitive and sustainable advantage for companies and entrepreneurs and clients recognize the importance of developing, procuring, exploiting, leveraging and protecting intellectual property rights from infringement. We assist licensors, licensees, joint venturers, investors and others in the use of niche licensing, technology escrows, security agreements, collateral assi…


Les activités principales

…au moment de la conclusion du contrat, (ii) un champ limité d’activités en commun, (iii) des engagements financiers (comme une participation en capital ou un loyer), (iv) un protocole régissant les relations entre partenaires, et (v) des stratégies de sortie. [1] La loi de l’Etat de New York law definit “franchise” très largement, comme “a contract or agreement, either expressed or implied, whether oral or written, … by which: (a) A franchisee is…