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37 search results for:崔nWY


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…businesses depend on incentive compensation structures. This webinar will identify and provide a roadmap for using “membership interest options” and “profit interests” in LLCs as incentive compensation. Such approaches are particularly important in today’s current economic climate, where venture capital and bank financing impose significant challenges. Operating Agreement Structure. To frame the structural and operational issues, this webinar wil…


Webinar on Sourcing of Global Talent

…o track provider/contingent worker utilization and performance? • How do I identify and manage legal, regulatory and compliance risks in all geographies where I operate directly and through external service providers? • How do I ensure that there is effective governance across the entirety of my contingent workforce? • What policies and procedures should I adopt to design a flexible contingent workforce into my global workforce and service supply…