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41 search results for:欧mtC


“Emerging Growth Companies” under Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (2012)

…investors to the funding portal or broker. Nor could the EGC compensate or commit to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person to promote its offerings through communication channels provided by a broker or funding portal, without taking such steps under an SEC rule, require to ensure that such person clearly discloses the receipt, past or prospective, of such compensation, upon each instance of such promotional communication. Large Non-Publi…


Practice Areas

…rvice providers, vendors, distributors, technology developers, service providers and supply chain manufacturers. commercializing clients’ intellectual property, which is vital to the success of their business. We advise on the protection, acquisition, sale and merchandising of trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names and domain names, ranging from retail to software and mobile applications. counseling e-businesses who use social media on…