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41 search results for:欧mtC



…ients in the UK, Europe, South America, India and China. Licensing can provide a real competitive and sustainable advantage for companies and entrepreneurs and clients recognize the importance of developing, procuring, exploiting, leveraging and protecting intellectual property rights from infringement. Let us help you, help yourself. Bierce & Kenerson focuses on advising American and foreign entrepreneurs and businesses on sustainable growth thro…



…du cabinet ADSTO. “Trumperie ou simple Trump l’oeil : un nouveau cadre juridique pour le commerce et l’investissement aux Etats-Unis ?” Mardi 23 mai 2017, de 18h à 20h, Maison du Barreau, 2 rue de Harlay, Paris Intervenants : William B. Bierce, Avocat au barreau de New York; Benoît Charrière-Bournazel, Avocat aux barreaux de Paris et New York; Didier Bisch, Délégué international, Bpifrance Practical Solutions for Distance Selling to U.S. Consumer…