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31 search results for:从OpU


Lawyer Advertising (and Other Disclaimers)

…taken by parties who rely upon the information presented on this site. Confidentiality of Your Communications with Us. There is no attorney-client relationship created through the presentation of this website or your sending us any information about your activities or needs. Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. would be glad to have you contact us using non-confidential information initially. Please note that your inquiry or e-communication does not create an…


Mergers and Acquisitions – 1

…estment, management attention and risk than is justified by the limited upside opportunities. We provide legal advice to clients on structuring, drafting, and negotiating M&A financing, consulting and related agreements through the completion of the transaction. We explore with our clients the potential impact, opportunities and strategies in case of a change of control for themselves, their supply chain and their value chain. During this process,…