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43 search results for:蒯GBn


William B. Bierce Professional Profile

…ssion Planning and Joint Exits” (Leaders Press, 2020) (available at; see >”Devil’s Dictionary of Global Sourcing: Hidden meanings in procurement, business services, project management and relationship governance,” privately published (2011). • “The Contractor’s Perspective on Privatization,” co-authored with Dan Cosgrove and Steve Else, in Privatizing Governmental Functions, ed. D. Ballati. (Law Journa…


“Emerging Growth Companies” under Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (2012)

…estic investors (particularly “angel” investors) seeking to invest in U.S. private companies, whether or not this involves acquisition of control (“M&A”) or minority investment (venture capital and private equity); Financial advisors introducing investors and earning “finder’s fees” and brokerage commission; Small public companies, or private companies seeking to increase to 2,000 the number of investors (presently capped at 500) before being requ…