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49 search results for:和MqL


Licensing – 1

…ee. Licensing can provide a real competitive and sustainable advantage for companies and entrepreneurs and clients recognize the importance of developing, procuring, exploiting, leveraging and protecting intellectual property rights from infringement. We assist licensors, licensees, joint venturers, investors and others in the use of niche licensing, technology escrows, security agreements, collateral assignments and other legal tools for financin…


Reconsidering How to Protect Trade Secrets, Technology, Intellectual Property from Abuses by Former Employees after Texas Court Invalidates FTC’s Ban on Non-Competition Covenants

…ategies. Prior to this August 20, 2024 District Court decision, our firm recommended compliance despite unresolved litigation. Pending possible U.S. Supreme Court review of the Ryan litigation, employers should consider possible actions to: Review existing state law principles on non-competition covenants; Identify how, if the Supreme Court validates it, the FTC rule might impact their employees, independent contractors and business model; Designa…