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49 search results for:和MqL


Mergers and Acquisitions – 1

…or protect, their existing lines of business or territorial scope. Secure competitive advantages. Improve their technology or platforms. Hire innovative teams to change culture and lead the company into a new opportunity. Avoid regulatory impediments to market access (e.g., immigration law limiting mobility of foreign business consultants; tariffs. Consolidate market share and achieve higher resulting valuation multiples. Sellers may have differe…


Webinar – LLCs: Basics of Ownership and Structuring

…structuring LLCs for use in special purpose environments. It will consider specific operational and governance paradigms, operating agreement structure, and legal structures for collaboration in strategic relationships. Who Should Attend: Entrepreneurs Angel Investors Attorneys Venture Capitalists General Counsel Private Equity Investors CEO’s and COO’s Foreign Investors Strategic planners Investment Bankers Human Resource Executives This webinar…