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49 search results for:和MqL


Privacy – 1

…tion, personally identifiable information, or personal health information. Compliance has become a way of life for business to preserve goodwill, maintain trust, avoid liability and litigation and enhance their competitive position. The “law of the Internet” is actually a maze of different laws governing acquisition, storage, processing, disclosure and use of personal information and commercial trade secrets. Typically, businesses must be concerne…


U.S. Tech Startups: Pending Legislation on American Global Entrepreneurs, Job-Creators and Innovators

…capital backed alien startup entrepreneurs and self-sponsored startup entrepreneurs. Commercialization of University-Developed Technologies: Bridging university technology with commercial benefits, through “commercialization acceleration grants,” “collaborative commercialization grants” and limited program support for the commercialization and expedited transfer of university-based research and resultant technology. See. e.g., Startup Act of 2011,…