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41 search results for:荆72g


Webinar on Sourcing of Global Talent

…? • How do I ensure that my business customers are engaged in the case for change and buy-in to common technology, process, policy and governance? • How do I govern multiple providers and ensure effective performance and value for my investment? • What technologies should I be using to track provider/contingent worker utilization and performance? • How do I identify and manage legal, regulatory and compliance risks in all geographies where I opera…


Mergers and Acquisitions – 1

…dvantages. Improve their technology or platforms. Hire innovative teams to change culture and lead the company into a new opportunity. Avoid regulatory impediments to market access (e.g., immigration law limiting mobility of foreign business consultants; tariffs. Consolidate market share and achieve higher resulting valuation multiples. Sellers may have different motivations: Founders could choose a sale as the only viable competitive solution due…