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41 search results for:荆72g


Restructuring – 1

…utilized in order accomplish a client’s goals, particularly when a foreign company decides to do an inversion and change its corporate domicile to another taxing jurisdiction. We are experienced in planning, structuring and documenting the U.S. transactions necessary to complete this type of restructuring. We collaborate with foreign law firms as well as other professionals. This practice is closely aligned with our practices in Joint Ventures, Cr…


U.S. Tech Startups: Pending Legislation on American Global Entrepreneurs, Job-Creators and Innovators

…this commercialization process, the draft law would establish a 15-member Committee on Research Commercialization Improvement that would include qualified venture capitalists (running a “VCOC” under 20 CFR 2510.3-101(d)) having a majority of U.S.-citizen partners and an accredited investor who is a “qualified Angel Investor,” to administer grant-making programs. Freedom for Employers to Transfer Jobs within the United States: Legislative prohibit…